Eden enjoyed being home. She spiked a fever which sent us into a tailspin. Infection? Swimmers ear? Regular bug that kids get? We called the on call Dr and he had us text a picture of the pin sites that we were concerned about. He said it looks red but nothing unusual. gee, thx. But wow, technolgy can be cool. A friend came by and looked at her ears and they were clear....but by Sat the fever broke so we relaxed. Eden walked a bit at home with the walker. Everyone got really excited. By Sat night she even asked for the walker to get to the door, where her chariot (AKA Daddy) waited to help carry her into the car. She also started letting me carry her as bit more. After months of me telling her she is too big she needs to walk, I now have to convince her she is not too big, I can carry her. It was a relief to get through to her and know she feels safe with me.

We are back in Md, by tomorrow Eden should have added 1 cm to her leg. We have a check up with the Dr on Th, we hope for good news. PT says all is going well and they think it is realistic for us to stick with them for two more weeks then begin PT at home. So, fingers crossed. We are here just with Eden. My family has really stepped up. My 20 yr old niece is with the kids for a two days then my sister. And of course my parents are always there to help; feed us, entertain the kids, laundry, etc, my mother is making covers for the fixator which has been a huge help. Eden does not like looking at it much, and well, who can blame her? We drive home Wed to get them and will finish the week here together. The kids said they will stay here as long as we want, it is fun. So I guess our hope of making it seem like a vacation is working. The 3 hours we spend at the hospital in the am doesn't ruin it for them. What great kids. Eden is not happy to be here without them, so I hope Wed comes soon.
Eden is still very scared and in pain, being around her brother and sister is def a comfort to her. Thank g-d Chris is here with me, with barely standing it takes both of us to get her ready for PT without hurting her. 4 hands are better then 2! I always joke I do not believe in evolution because moms would have more hands....and Chris is great at playing games and I handle the soothing times and meds. We make a good team. He returns to work soon, I am optimistic Eden will be stronger so I will be able to do it on my own. The kids are willing to help, but I have to remember, they are kids. It is a fine balance not to lean on them too much, but to also let them feel they are helpful. We started her on antibiotics today because she does complain about a certain pin site hurting so the PT said to just do it, she had the fever, she says it hurts, we might as well. Poor kid, even more meds to get into her. She is sick of the meds already. We may stop the Valium before PT so at least she has one less dose of meds to take.
I have gotten ok with wound care and bandages. I do not enjoy it for a second, but we do what we have to. Chris turns the crank like a pro, guess it is the handy man in him. I have done it a few times. She does not seem to notice. Ayla is so into all of this, she has decided she wants to be a surgeon. G-d bless her, she may just do it. Jacob is fascinated by how the fixator works, but his stomach is like mine so he does not get too close, and you can see his heart breaking when Eden cries. Adina is the most shocking, she is willing to do whatever to make her little sister happy. She is not freaked like I thought she would be. I am so proud of her.
That is all for now. We are resting at the house and will run some errands later today. We told Eden we will get her some play dough - her favorite activity - we hope this will cheer her up about missing home.
My plan it to post again Thursday after the Dr appt. Stay tuned...
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