Well, Ronit spoke to most of what I was going to post about but I wanted to add a bit. It was a great feeling to be home again. Especially after the night we had and the fun we we had with the OT before we left the hospital. When we got home Eden got comfortable on the couch with Savta doing sticker books and other activities.

While they played I ran out to get our new wheelchair. We got a Bob jogging stroller that she fits in nicely. To try it out the four of us walked over to our friends the Keims who are just around the corner. It was nice to be out of the freezing hospital room so I didn't mind the 90 degree heat at 6pm. The Keims were having a going-away party for their daughter Sammy. They had a women painting the girls nails and eden even got in on the fun!

It was cute. While at the party she started showing everyone her "robotic" leg. It was good to see her getting more comfortable with this device on her leg. While at the party she also ate for the first time in 12 hours. She had pretzels, yogurt, and some cookie cake. After we left the party and came home she had some ice cream as well. She seems back to being herself again.
Now we are trying to figure out how to sleep. She has to be woken up to take her pain medicine every 4 hours. Its like having a newborn again. We moved a bed into our room next to ours so she can sleep with us.

Its 10pm now and time for us all to go to sleep. We'll let you know how the night goes.
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