Really not much different this week. Lots of pool time, lots of PT. The kids continue to amaze me and step up to help me and Eden. Ayla and Jacob did exercises with Eden on the pool twice this week. They made up games to encourage her to move around, absolutely precious. We all played ring around the roses in the pool, fun for everyone.
PT is starting to get a little tougher, more ouches, and Eden is fighting it here and there. We started antibiotics again because Eden seemed sore and indicated one of the pin sites really hurt. The pin sites look nasty no mater what, so itis so hard to tell. It appears it helped a bit. The biggest challenge of the week was Ayla getting swimmmers ear and she was miserable. We had a middle of the night trip to the pharmacy, luckily a friend called in a pain medication and oral antibiotic for her. So Ayla and Eden are on meds together. I practically need to start charts to track it all. Only a few more days of the meds, and they are both feeling better. PT still seems to hurt more, but we were warned about that.
This coming week we will have our PT in NJ all week again. We go to MD next Monday, we are hoping for a good report. We will also see the physical therapist there to be sure they are happy with Eden's progress. Will post more then.
One thing to share---Adina has stopped sucking her thumb. It took her a day and the promise of a cell phone. It did the trick!! We are quite impressed her will power was so strong that it took one day. The power of technology is strong!
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